The one bug that needed fixing is still crawling around in the code.
The one bug that needed fixing is still crawling around in the code.
Really helpful dream symbol meanings and the app works great
This is my favorite app!
I love deciphering my dreams and so accurate I am having problems when I go to history And when I go to scroll down it shuts down the app. So history does not work as of this time.
Maybe Im just not seeing it but in the old version it showed dates and which symbol you looked up that day. Maybe on 1/2/14 I looked up light, dog and countryside for example. It seems this is gone along with the dream journal. So since this update all my journal entries are gone too. It was better the way it was.
I was trying to use Search but it doesnt work.
Easy to navigate, never crashes and the information is spot on with most of your inquires as compared with other dream sites!
Excellent source! Ive been using it for almost five years :)
Had to completely uninstall after the app refused to open and kept crashing. All of the dreams I kept recorded for decoding at a later time were lost.
This was probably the reliable app ever I loved it like it was my own unborn child but then they updated it and now it wont even run Steve Jobs killed my baby from the grave
Ive been using the dreammoods website for many years, now. Ive had this ap for over a year and use it often. The interpretations are right on. Great job :)
I have had this app for a while however this newest version which I installed a few days ago keeps crashing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it twice already. The keyboard to type in on the search window does not open. It opens an ad banner on the bottom but no keyboard. If you cant type your dream symbol what is the point?
I Saved an entire 2 yrs of dream history and one day all my history had vanished! Just gone and I did nothing wrong or different. I just contacted the company so hopefully they can recover my info. Will keep this post updated! Very sad as I had important dreams about past relatives and intense psychological memories I wanted to recall... Plus you cant do an open search, only look for specific words in their database, very archaic app... Not highly recommended AT ALL!!!
I find the meanings of the dream signs accurate and helpful. I do not journal with this app, so cannot comment on difficulties other users are experiencing.